Camel wool

An important feature of camel wool is the absolute benefits for health and well-being. It contains lanolin and organic substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin and muscles, improve blood circulation, promote vasodilation, activate metabolism and regenerative processes in tissues. Camel wool is helpful in the treatment of common cold, radiculitis, rheumatism and joint pain. We use not only camel wool for Togas pillows and blankets, but a delicate underfur of one-year-old camels.

In spring, they are combed out by hand, with an outcome of 3 to 5 kg of fluffy underfur. The delicate wool of a one-year-old camel is good for health, its down is very soft, thin and delicate. In addition, it almost never causes allergies and is able to relieve static stress.

Camel wool collection

  1. Pillow VIENTO Pillow VIENTO
    Pillow VIENTO
    Deluxe Сamel wool
    From $166.00
  2. Comforter VIENTO Comforter VIENTO
    Comforter VIENTO
    Deluxe Сamel wool
    From $535.00